Monday, September 22, 2014

The Best of Paris



Even if you haven't been to Paris, I'm sure you've heard of how magical the city can be. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, the Champs Elysées, the Seine, Notre Dame de Paris, the list of monuments and famous corners goes on and on. Those things are grand and exciting, yes. But after having been fortunate enough to see Paris more than once, I've come to really enjoy the more everyday of Paris. The smaller things, that maybe the average tourist wouldn't notice when taking in the city.



Don't get me wrong, the Eiffel Tower is brilliant and absolutely breathtaking at night. No other art museum can rival the Louvre, and Notre Dame de Paris is everything it's cracked up to be. As wonderful as these great monuments are, though, sometimes it's worth taking the time to venture through the back roads, the residential areas, and take in the lesser known scenery. There is real beauty in the average, the simple. In reality, these things are not average or simple. They are truly extraordinary because that is where you really find French life.



Here, I bring together some of the best of Paris in photos. This is just a very small collection of the everyday sights of Paris. What do you think? What's your favorite part of the City of Lights?

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